Ganapathy Homam – A Must for Your Business | Ama Vedic Services
March 08, 2017 12:52 PM

Ganapathy Homam – A Must for Your Business

Homams are the instruments for getting the blessings of gods who are invoked through Agni in specific rituals. Agni acts as a messenger who sends the offerings made in the homams to the particular gods and thus helps the performer fulfil his desires and objectives through performing homam. Ganapathy homam, which is performed for business in Chennai, is the most often conducted ritual since it makes any business profitable and flourishing.


Ganapathy homam can uplift your Business


Ganapathy Homam


Homams make us realize that there are devathas around us and they can be invoked through mantras with Agni in havan .Being pleased with our performing homams, they bestow their blessings upon us and grant what we want. For every purpose, there is a different homam and the gods also differ. Among all the homams, Ganapathy homam is of primary importance since the god invoked is Vinayaka the primordial god without whose benevolence, one cannot perform any auspicious ritual. Click here to know Ganapathi homam cost 



Ganapathi Homam Benefits


When Aayush homam is conducted for longevity and Mrtyunjaya homam for removing the fear of death, Ganapathy homam is for all purposes and is the starter ceremony of any important function like marriage, graha pravesham etc. It is the best homam for business as well and any start-up or new venture should have this homam as the foremost event since Vinayak drives away any impediment that blocks your ventures and paves way for your success.


Ganapathy Homam Steps


Ganapathy homam



Ganapathy homam mantras were coined by Kanaka rishi and the method was formulated by Kashayapa rishi. When one performs Ganapathy homam, he first seeks the permission of his elders to conduct the homam (which is called Anugyai). One requests the permission to conduct the homam so that he will cross all the impediments and make his ventures successful. He lists the names and nakshatras of all of his family members, has pavithram in hand and does Pooja to the manjal pillaiyar.




Ganapathy Homam steps

Next is Sankalpam. It is paying respect to the purohits who help him conduct the homam. He has to do it with the chanting of rama manthram.


Next is Punyahavaachanam. It is cleaning a small space with cow dung, spreading paddy over it and spreading a banana leaf on it with rice. After drawing a lotus on the rice, you have to keep darpai on the edges of the lotus drawing and keep kumbha with water containing kesar, pachai karpooram and cardamom. At the top of the kumbam, you have to keep mango leaves and a coconut.


Ganapathy homam


Then, Agni has to be ignited in the havan and all the devatas are to be invoked. Maha Ganapathy is to be invoked and the 16 kinds of upacharas through mantras have to be done. Ghee has to be poured in between. Ghee, ashtadrvayas, coconut, arugampul, paddy, modhakam are the ingredients offered in the homam.


Vinayak not only removes the hurdles in our worldly life. He also propels our spirituality and enlightens our souls. When you go deep into the essence of Ganapahty homam, you can realize that it is meant for activating our inner spirit which might not have been realized by us so far along with removing external hurdles on our path to success. Deep attention to the havan during homam may bring the picture of an elephant standing on four legs before you as symbolised by the four corners of the havan.


So, Ganapathy homam is the most propitious homam for business as it helps attain your goals without any set back in your business. Click here to read ganapathi homam procedure in Tamil




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