Kamada Ekadashi Vrata Story | Ama Vedic Services
March 26, 2018 07:06 AM

Kamada Ekadashi Vrata Story

Kamada Ekadashi


Kamada Ekadashi falls on the 11Th day after the New Moon day in the Chaitra month (March-April). It is observed like any other Ekadashi in veneration of Lord Vishnu with fasting and praying. As the term Kamada signifies fulfillment of wishes, observance of Kamada Ekadashi fulfills all the worldly desires of the devotees. It relieves one of his sins and the effects of demonic curses and purifies the consciousness of a person. It relieves a person of the sin of killing a Brahman.


                 Kamada Ekadashi 2018 falls on March 27, Tuesday.


The story of Kamada Ekadashi


All the Ekadashi stories are narrated by Lord Krishna to Yudhishtra with a mention of their significance and benefits of observing fast on these Ekadashis. Kamada Ekadashi story is also narrated by Lord Krishna and the story goes like this


In the ancient time, there was a city called Ratnapura and it was ruled by the king Pundarika. It was a beautiful city with a mixed population of Gandharvas, Kinnaras and Apsaras.There were also serpents living there. Among the Gandharvas, there were a couple who were very loving and attached to each other. Their names were Lalit and Lalita. Lalit was a singer with great potential and Lalita was a marvelous dancer. They lived a life of happiness and content.




How and Why to Observe Ekadashi?


One day, Lalit was singing to the dance of apsaras in the court of the king Pundarika. Lalita was not present there and he felt the pang of separation. As a result, he went wrong in the concluding part of the song.  A serpent noted this and reported to the king. The king got infuriated and cursed him that he would turn to be a man-eating demon. The beautiful Gandharva turned into a demonic beast and started roaming in the forest hunting men for food. Lalita also was roaming with him lamenting over her sad plight and the ill turned fate of her husband.


When she was roaming like this, she came upon the rishi Shringi. On her explaining her husband’s sad predicament, the rishi advised her to observe Kamada Ekadashi which will relieve a person of demonic curses and fulfil the desires of the Ekadashi observer. She followed the instructions of the saint and wished for the removal of the curse of her husband along with the offering of the benefit of her Ekadashi Vrata for the sake of her husband. To everyone’s surprise, Lalit got his original form back and lived ever happily with his wife thereafter.




Amalaki Ekadashi 




Kamada Ekadashi thus fulfils the wishes of the devotee and relieves sins and curses of an afflicted person.



AMA Vedic Services



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