Why should we do Archana at Temples? | Ama Vedic Services
June 23, 2017 02:41 PM

Why should we do Archana at Temples?

Archanai is a Pooja which is conducted at temples by way of thanks giving to God. When we do archanai to a particular deity at a temple, we thank him for the good things He has bestowed upon us and the forbearance He has endowed us with while facing the trials and turbulences in life.


What is Archanai?


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Archanai is a kind of pooja we do at temples to praise or honour the Lord we worship and thank Him /Her for the good things the deity has given us and for guiding us through the ups and downs of life. Archana means ‘praising’ or ‘honouring’.


We do archanai at temples by offering flowers and fruits to God. Normally, people say their name, nakshatra and gothra and also mention the names and nakshatras of their family members so that the whole family benefits by doing archanai at temples.



Why do people say their names, gothram and nakshatras for doing archanai?


Gothram represents the lineage of a person.


His birth star and name give him an identity. 


When the priest chants the sankalpam, he mentions the present time so that the person who does archanai to God registers his identity and the time he does the archanai, thereby, he secures his identity among the devotees who do archanai to God.


His prayers reach God with his specific requests and supplications and thus he is able to gain the Grace of Lord to fulfill his wish.


When do we do archanai at temples?


Temple services onlineSome people make it a point to do archanai during special occasions like birth day, wedding day and other such auspicious occasions. Some deem it necessary to perform it as a regular practice. Those who have special prayers and pariharams beseech that particular deity through doing archanai on specific days like Shashti or Pradosham and get rid of their ills.


It is said that when you cross certain critical phases in life like completing sixtieth year or so, you need to perform archanai on the day your birth star occurs every month. It protects you from the harassing effects that may beset you on your onward journey in the sixtieth year or so.


Some people do archanai in the name of God. Why?


When a person does archanai in his name, the benefit goes to him. When you do the same in God’s name, the benefit is shared by all and it is a philanthropic gesture so to say.


If you do archanai to the Lord of your birth star during that particular period of time when Lord occupies the star as per Hindu calendar for the month, your prospects are brighter and you achieve what you wish through doing archanai to God.


Prayers and poojas at temples magnify the radiance of God. So, doing archanai at temples is more beneficial than doing pooja at home.


In addition to the Pooja and Homam Services we offer at our Spiritual Center and at your venue, we have launched Temple Services now. While we are expanding adding temple services in our portfolio, if you have any specific temples for which seeking pooja, please contact us. Visit us to know more. 


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