Lord Krishna observed Sankatahara Chathurthi! | Ama Vedic Services

Lord Krishna observed Sankatahara Chathurthi!

Sankatahara Chathurthi falls on the Chaturthi thithi of Krishna Paksha and is a day most liked by the devotees of Lord Ganesh. It bestows innumerable benefits upon those who fast on the day and break their fast after seeing the Moon in the evening and doing Pooja to Ganesh.


Do you know that Krishna performed Sankatahara Chaturthi?


Here is the mythological significance of Sankatahara Chaturthi


Lord Krishna saw the crescent moon in the Sukla Paksha in the month of Bhadrapada (August/September).  It is normally considered inauspicious. Those who see the crescent moon after the No Moon day in the month of Bhadrapada will face lots of troubles and setbacks in life. Krishna did it.


Chamanthaka mani

One day Lord Krishna met Sathrajith who was a Yadav raja rishi. He was having Chamanthaka mani, a precious gem. Since a rishi should not have a precious gem like this, Krishna asked Sathrajith to give the gem to Ugrasen, the king. Sathrajith said that he had already given the gem to Prasenan, his brother. Prasenan and Krishan were friends and both went to forest one day.


Prasenan got separted from Krishna and others in the forest and was killed by a lion. The lion took the gem and after that Jambavan (the Bear) killed the lion, took the gem and gave it to his daughter Jambavathi. Despite their search for Prasenan, Krishna and his friends were not able to find Prasenan. Still, due to long drawn effort, Krishna came across the footsteps of the horse of Prasenan and following them came across the dead body of Prasenan. Finding the foot trace of a lion nearby, he followed it, saw the dead lion and also tracked the cage of Jambavan.



Samnthakamani_Krins- Jambavaty marriage

Krishna-Jambavathy Marriage


Krishna was able to come to the cage of Jambavan where he met Jambavathy holding the precious gem he was in search of. Jambavathy fell in love with him and asked him to leave the cage at once because Jambavan could kill him if he were to see Krishna. Krishna blew his horn, Jambavan came and the fight started. It went for21 days and Jambavan realized that it was Mahavishnu who was fighting with him. He ended the fight, gave not only the gem but also his daughter as a gift in marriage to Krishna.


Krishna - Sathyabama Marriage


krishna_Sathyabama Marriage


Krishna handed over the gem to Sathrajith who gave his daughter Satyabhama in marriage to him. This was not liked by Sathathanva, Akrurar and Krithavarmar. These three people killed Sathrajith, stole the gem when Krishna was away from Dwaraka. When Krishna was returning to Dwaraka, Satahthanva wanted to give the gem to Akrurur but he did not accept it out of fear. Sathathanva threw the gem on Akrurar and went away on a horse. Krishna killed Sathathanva but could not find the gem as it was with Akrurar.


Every time Krishna was misunderstood by others and was blamed for the missing of the gem. He felt ashamed and dejected and was feeling bad about the turn of events. Narada muni appeared before him and asked for the cause of his sadness. Krishna narrated the sequence of the incidents that happened in relation to the gem. Narada said that it was because he viewed crescent moon on a sukla paksha Chaturthi in the month of Badrapada.



How did Krishna get rid of his sorrows?


Narada also suggested the remedy that Krishna should observe Sankatahara Chaturthi vrata on Krishna Chaturthi, offer argyam to the Moon in the evening, do Pooja to Ganesh so that he would get rid of his sorrows.


Lord Krishna did it and Lord Ganesh appeared before him and promised to remove the sad happenings that he was facing at that time. It happened. Akrurar came to the court after some days and narrated what Sathathanva did and informed that the gem was with him.


So, even a god like Krishna could face troubles when he sees a sukla Chaturthi crescent in the month of Badrapada and the only vimochanam is observing Sankatahara Chaturthi Vrata.



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