In 2017, Sani Peyarchi takes place on 19.12.2017 at 9.55 am. It is Tuesday, marked by Shukla Prathama with Amrutha yogam and Moola Nakshatra. At this time, Sani Bhagavan transits from Scorpio (Vrichigarasi) to Sagittarius (Danush rasi). He is transiting from Kettai nakshatra to Moola nakshatra.
Looking for a way to appease Lord Shani during this Sani Peyarchi period?
You've landed on the right page.
Ama Vedic Services presents “Chennaiyil Thirunallaru - Sani Peyarchi Homam, on the Sani Peyarchi Day – December 19, Tuesday, 2017 from 6.30 am to 1.30pm.
Participating in Saniswara homam is essential as Sani Peyarchi affects all individuals one way or the other. This is a must especially for those rasis affected terribly by the transit of Sani Bhagavan.
We have two types of plans.
In this plan, you can give your Gothra, Name, Nakshathra, and Rasi to the pandit during Sankalpam and participate in the Saniswara homam.
This way, you can seek the blessings of Sani Bhagavan.
In this plan, you can take Sankalpam in Saniswara Homam with your spouse and also can do Archana to Sani Bhagavan.
Doing Sankalpam and Archanaas couple will fetch many good things for your family as you with your spouse represent your family. That way, you seek the blessings of Sani Bhagavan for the entire family. Those who are affected by Sani Peyarchi in your family will get their negative results reduced.
Dhanam is a simple remedy that will reduce the effect of Sani Peyarchi. Do charity as per your capacity
Register here & Get the full benefits of the events and seek the blessings of Sani Bhagavan.
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