Soma Pradosham falls on January 29, 2018
Soma Pradosham that occurs on January 29, 2018, is a very special one since it occurs on Thrayodashi thithi with Thiruvadhirai nakshatra falling on Monday.
This Pradosham comes very rarely once in many years and is considered as special with a story related to it. This story is narrated in the Tamil translation of the Sanskrit book ’Siva Rahasiyam’.
There was a poor brahmin who was very sinful and committed lots of sins. He was living in Srisilam. One Monday, when it was Thrayodashi connected with Thiruvadhirai nakshatra, he did pooja to Lord Shiva. There was no pooja done in that temple all those days. He did not know how to perform pooja, but the gracious God accepted his pooja and blessed him with lots of wealth.
Pradosham occurs in Thrayodashi thithi in both Shukla paksha and Krishna paksha and thus occurs twice in a month. In all Shiva temples, special abhishekam and poojas are conducted during 4.30 to 6 pm for Lord Shiva on this day.
God fulfills the wishes of those who pray to Him during this time and awards them with mukthi. People offer milk, curd, and honey for anointing Shiva during Pradosham and also offer flowers and garlands for decorating the Lord.
When Pradosham falls on Monday, it is known as Soma Pradosham and is considered very special since Monday is the most auspicious day for praying to Lord Shiva.
One of the names of Lord Shiva is Soma, who adores the Crescent Moon (the Soma) on His matted hair. Soma means – Saha Uma (Goddess Parvathi). So, Soma Pradosha is not only very auspicious for Lord Shiva but for Goddess Parvathy also. Observing vrata on Soma Pradosham bestows bounteous benefits on the devotees.
Soma Pradosham that occurs on January 29, 2018, is a very special one since it occurs on Thrayodashi thithi with Thiruvadhirai nakshatra falling on Monday.
Such an occasion is very rare and it is considered very special by the devotees of Lord Shiva. Hence, Soma Pradosham on January 29, when Monday, Thrayodashi and Thiruvadhirai come together, let us not miss the chance to visit a Shiva temple during Pradosham and seek His unlimited benedictions.
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