Sashti Vrata | Ama Vedic Services

Sashti Vrata




March, 3rd, 2017, Friday is Sashti Vrata.


Shashti comes twice in a month and the day is dedicated to the worship of Lord Muruga. It is the day of celebrating the victory of Lord Muruga over Surapadman, one of the fiercest asuras.



The story of Kantha Sashti


Surapadman was the asura king who gave lots of troubles to the Devas and kept them in prison. The Devas pleaded with Lord Brahma who said that Lord Shiva would show a way to mitigate their miseries. Shiva created Lord Muruga out of his third eye and bestowed special powers upon him.


Muruga became the head of the Devas’ army and embarked upon a war against Surapadman. Vel was the weapon of power given to him by his mother Parvathi and Veerabagu was Muruga’s assistant in the army. Singamuhan and Tarakasuran, the brothers of Surapadman were defeated by Muruga.


Finally, Surapadman was defeated and he became a tree which was blown by Muruga into two parts. One part became the peacock and the other became the cock. The peacock became the vehicle of Lord Muruga and the cock adorns his flag. Thus, Surapadman gained immortal fame by serving Lord Muruga as his vehicle and by adorning his flag. This incident is beautifully narrated in Skandapuranam and it took place in Tiruchendur.


This victory of Muruga is celebrated in Kanda Sashti Vratam and Pooja. The last day is observed as Surasamharam.


Praying to Lord Muruga on Sashti brings victory and liberation from sins for a devotee. 




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